it's seriously just pffft
I've seen some pretty good games out there and this isn't really one of them . The concept is very nice and the plot was k but the art was just bleh, (no that I'm a master at flash or anything) to tell you the truth the bit at the beggining when the lines were thicker looked better I know you tried to make a robotic feel but it jsut wasn't working for me it just made it look lik ea bunch of shapes put together badley.
The game play was okay controls were simple and straightforward some bits were very comical addeda nice feel to it, voice actors from your list shoul dhave been very good and they were good but the blue robot guy, whats with his voice?
Music was K nice choice (expecially the menu, really funny).
Overall I'd say just work on it a bit smooth out any weird bits and improve the artwork cuz thats the one thing that wanted me to stop playing.